How it works

Step 1

Do we make a good team?

When you contact me, I’ll start by getting an outline of what you’d like and what your deadlines are.

If it sounds like we’d work well together and I have the time to do your work, I’ll send over a proposal & quote. I ask for a 50% payment up front. Once that’s paid and you’ve signed the agreement, the fun stuff begins!

Step 2

Getting to know you.

I’ll have lots of questions. I need to know who, what, why, when and how.

I’ll have an in-depth briefing questionnaire for you to fill in. I’ll want to know this:

Background information into your company/product/ service.
Relevant advertising or promotional work from before – even if you hate it.
Your thoughts on tone of voice & topics to avoid.
How well you know your customers.

Step 3

The writing stage

Then I get writing. I’ll send you a solid first draft to read ahead of any publishing deadline so you have time to check it over.

Then you give me your honest feedback, (in a timely fashion so that deadline doesn’t start slipping). I can then tweak, poke and polish your words until you’re happy.

Step 4

Time to do a power punch in the air

I do unlimited rewrites (ahead of the pre-agreed final deadline).

I’ll probably go treat myself to a cup of something yummy and a slice of something naughty.

Fill in my copy brief and send it back to me for a quote. Once you’ve filled it in, send it to